Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Paranoid Mom Syndrome

Ok, is there such a syndrome actually? The Paranoid Mom Syndrome?

I am one of those paranoid moms. Ultra paranoid. I really can't explain it fully at this time since I recently just gave a name to this range of emotions, behaviours and thoughts that I have been experiencing and displaying lately.

My family just recovered from a bad bad flu with Kieran down with febrile fit right in my arms few weeks ago! It was damn scary even though I knew most likely he's not going to die. It was terrible to see it happen to your child.

The paediatric dentist suggested putting Kieran under GA to fill his teeth. He has two cavities, one on top and one at the side of two different molars. BUT GA?!!! It scared the hell out of me and I was a nervous wreck, I couldn't eat and sleep well for days thinking about it and I became so paranoid of him getting cavities that if he ate and I haven't brush his teeth yet, my thoughts are overwhelmed with nothing but paranoia about the germs eating away at his teeth. All his teeth.

It was 3.30am and I have just finished writing and submitting an article. Baby Caitlin is crying for milk. I hope all will be well tomorrow for Kieran's second dental appointment. I am scared.

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