Monday, January 30, 2012

Back to work?

I've been thinking about this lately.

My mother in law is very nice to baby and she cares for baby very well.

But there are fundamental differences in our opinions. She is very gentle with baby and will worry when there are small problems like redness at the neck skin folds etc. I will just laugh the problem off and take things easy. I don't like to worry excessively. And I observe that because she is so gentle with baby, its not much fun and he won't laugh out loud as much as when I am playing with him. So I am concerned that if baby is with her all day, there won't be much stimulation. And she really likes tidying up and cleaning up my home... which is wonderful of course! Except that she cuts the tags off clothes that I intend to give as gifts to my friend's baby son and kept it in my baby's cupboard. I hated people packing up my things and making assumptions without asking. So I kind of got heated up and told her not to pack up anything in my home anymore. I also worry that she may let baby play by himself and do housework. I wonder why nannies call themselves nannies if they don't take care of babies, and instead leave the babies to themselves and do their housework. To me, nannies should spend a large percent of their time with babies, stimulating them and letting them play and learn stuff. What if my baby don't receive enough stimulant?

There are so many things to think of.

At first I was wondering whether it will be good to have a parent staying in with us. Especially since taking care of my baby alone is so very tiring. But I got frightened by the many negative things I read in online forum about problems with staying with in laws. I mean staying with my own family already posts problems... what more with people with different backgrounds and different mindsets? I think I'll endure taking care of baby alone. That gives me more freedom too. I treasure freedom more than anything else. Better be more physically tired than having a hand in the house but yet become more mentally strained.

If I have to go back to work, I guess I'll start with part time and ask mother in law to care of baby whenever I have to be away. But I hope I won't have to start going back to work soon. I don't really like to be away from baby for too long hours. It is tiring taking care of him, but at the same time it is very pleasurable and very rewarding. I have a peace of mind being sure that my baby is being stimulated, played with, happy and clean, and not left alone. I hate leaving babies alone to soothe themselves. Babies need to be stimulated and learn to feel that they are needed and their presences are treasured. I love my baby and I really wish to be with him for as long as I could, and giving him the best in terms of love and care although I cannot afford a lot of material goodness... but young babies do not need high end strollers and branded clothes... they need mummies' pure love and care, mummies' time and effort, and those are the best gifts for them.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

3 months developmental milestone

My dearest baby Yun Xuan is 3 months old!

At 3 months, what can he do? I must say my little babe is doing very well!
  • He can flip over very quickly with some assistance of turning him to his side and holding him in the position.
  • He can lift his head and shoulders up 45 degree without assistance while on his tummy.
  • He enjoys tummy time! Giggling at me when I bend down and babbles to him, and holding his head up to look around and occasionally focusing on a toy.
  • He moves his arms and legs while on his tummy like he wants to climb but of course he couldn't do that yet!
  • His little hands can meet in the midpoint. He likes to put his hands together in a "gong xi gong xi" gesture and sucks both hands' fingers.
  • He loves putting fingers in his mouth and suck.
  • He can grab a rattle instinctively when I tap it on his fingers.
  • He follows people with his eyes when they move around.
  • He turns to the source of loud sounds or music.
  • He meets your eyes and coos or squeals with glee.
  • He likes to babble to me when I talk to him.
  • He's a happy and smiley baby! He smiles to everyone who talks to him.
  • He laughs out loud when I put him on my tummy and surprise him by bobbing my head up.
  • He likes to stand with me holding him up by his armpits and walk around. Babies can walk and climb stairs but these are all reflexes. He enjoys it nevertheless.
Superman baby gets some tummy time!
Our CNY 2012 family portrait

Our CNY 2012 family portrait 2
Dear dear little babe can do so much! He's the apple of my eye and the source of my joy!
This year's Chinese New Year is so much fun and happiness because of him!