Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The days pass by exceedingly slow.

I'm pretty stuck on the romances and drama of my favourite genre, stories in the 19th century England. I watch Downton Abbey, read Longbourne and Pride and Prejudice, and I've discovered a list of this genre of books to read.

Sometimes I wonder how it is like to be in the shoes of those elegant young ladies in those days, whose mere purpose in life is to marry a man who will provide her with wealthy, or if not, sufficient establishment. How it is like to be having nothing much to do all day but to dress up and travel from country to London and back and to spend months at a place on holidays and then spend the next few months at another visiting friends or relatives, and to spend the days at tea parties, dinner parties, and so on. Life will then really be incredulously slow. Even if they have babies, like I do now, they won't be so confined and busy and tired, as the housemaids and nannies will do all the job, and they just have to rest and lament the lost figure and the perceived fatigue and the whatever stuff they have to lament about.

Oh and I'm so looking forward to the birthday celebration of darling hubby. He has been a great daddy and hubby and he deserves a day of niceties. We plan to go for lunch and ice cream, and we'll have to bring Caitlin along because after her serious fall when we left her at mother in law's place for a few minutes, I won't trust her to be left anywhere. Not the fault of anyone, but caring for a baby and an active toddler will be too much for anyone. Anyone except me, actually, because well, I gave birth to them so they are essentially my problems, so if no one else can care for them together with me, I'll have to do it, and if I can't cope, hubby have to take leave. That's part and parcel of parenthood.

Sometimes when I watch cartoons, Postman Fred with that silly black cat, Mia the Bee, Noddy in Toyland, etc with my son, I enjoy it so much and hope so much that our world is like theirs- so pure, so innocent, people don't die, don't get old, don't get sick, seldom get irritated and if there are any disputes, people usually resolve it within an episode, with a hug and a kiss and a sorry and a smile.

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