Wednesday, January 21, 2015

17 months and still latching on!

My little boy at 17 months old used to hold my hand and guide me into a room, saying "Walk nat, walk nat, walk nat..." when he wanted to latch on to drink milk milk.

My little girl at 17 months is now holding my hand and guide me into a room, saying "Milk, milk, milk..."

Super cute, these two little ones!!!

Caitlin is reaching the toddler milestone in a month's time, and she is very healthy, very active, talking a lot more words now, and she has been saying "milk" all day, demanding to be latched on.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Book Review: Chasing Windmills

I've taken to reading novels again and I'm going to share my review for this awesome book that I borrowed from the Public Library.

Chasing Windmills by Catherine Ryan Hyde

This book writes in the perspectives of Sebestian, a 17 year old boy living in the shadows of his strict father who showed no love, and of Maria, a 22 year old mother of two children, 7 year old C.J. and 2 year old Natalie, and wife of an abusive husband whom she had endured several violent episodes for seven years.

The story was so engaging that I couldn't put the book down even though it was way pass bedtime. The characters met on the Subway at night, where they travelled to escape from something and someone in their lives. The author's descriptions of their feelings, their thoughts and the way they look and behave paint such a realistic picture of those characters in my mind that it is almost like I am seeing the story unfold before my eyes.

Sebastian made friend with a wise old lady named Delilah. What she said in one chapter stayed with me,

"If I was unhappy like you are now, here's what I'd do. Now just listen and try to take this in. Might not make much sense when it first hits your ears. When life just cuts me to ribbons and bloodies me and knocks me down, I go out of doors into nature. Now that's gonna be hard for you, where you live. If you could get to the ocean, that would be great. But I don't guess you can. But, you know, even the stars are good enough. Except, I suppose you don't see many stars in the city, because the city lights wash 'em out. But I guess you see some don't you? And even if you don't, there's the moon. The moon'll do. See, you're looking for something that's not man-made. And you won't get it indoors. Everything indoors we invented. No bigger powers involved. but we didn't make the stars not the moon. Or the trees or oceans or rivers, and we never could. Never will. That's how come you know somethings's bigger's at work. So look at the proof of something big. Breathe it in. And then here's what you say, "Thank for my life."

I just sat there, slumped on the couch. Confused. The kettle started to whistle, and she got up to tend to it.

"Why? Why would you say that if you're so miserable?"

"That's exactly why. Because you're miserable. It's like, if you love somebody. When they hurt you or let you down, you let ' em know you still love them. That's called unconditional love. Anybody can love somebody when they're making you happy. That requires no special talent. That's also how most people do it. But when get a little wiser, you know you got to love somebody with all their faults. So, if you can do that with a person, what about your own life? This is like unconditional love for your own life."

I could hear the ice cracking and popping as she poured hot tea over it.

"And then, after I say thank you my life, then what?"

"Then you keep going. Keep living. You wake up every day and get dressed and brush your teeth and see what life has in mind for you next."

I wondered if, when I looked at Maria tomorrow night, I could love her in spite of Carl. Which let's face it, was a pretty big fault.

I guess the better question was, could I stop loving her because of it?
In other words, did I really have any options?

When life throws stones at me, I will take Delilah's advice. Thank you, Catherine Ryan Hyde for making the world a more beautiful place with this novel.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Booking Dental Appointments

Kieran has a cavity on this molar for quite some time. And we have to get it fixed asap.

Recently, to our horror, I found out that Caitlin also has one cavity on her front teeth.

I did some research and we have two choices, School Dental Clinic at Health Promotion Board and Dr Ong Yean Sze's Kids Dental World at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital. I don't think SDC treats Caitlin since they treat preschoolers. And since Kieran has a cavity, I think its better to go for a paediatric dentist who is well known for her skills with young children. I'm so frightened that I really hope hubby can come with me to the dentist's visit with me and Kieran. We booked the appointment date two weeks later. They actually have an available slot tomorrow at 3pm but I was afraid that Kieran can be very cranky since its afternoon after his lunch. Caitlin's appointment is in Feb, before Chinese New Year. I hope that they will be very cooperative during the visit and I hope his cavity can be filled without much trouble, without the need for GA or anything.

Simply calling the dental clinic makes me all nervous. I hope I didn't take that cup of tea this morning. It makes me more anxious and jumpy.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Rabbit Babies Gathering

The Rabbit Babies had a gathering at my friend Leevin's house last Sunday. We had a gathering whenever our friend Sharon and Jerry are back from Poland. The Rabbit Babies are called "Rabbit Babies" because they are all born in the year of the Rabbit (Chinese Astrology). They are Jasper, Kieran, Xin Ning and Jodi, children of Sharon, Leevin, Yan Ping and me. Because we were pregnant at around the same time and will give birth at around the same time, we formed a close knitted support group that see each other through our breastfeeding struggles, relationship stresses and parenting woos. This friendship will last a long time!

The Babies and the Mummies
(from left to right) Yan Ping hugging Xin Ning, Leevin carrying Jovan and Jodi on her lap, Sharon holding Jasper and Jeanette (our latest member!), and Suqi hugging Kieran and Caitlin.

Missing in the picture is pretty little Xin Yi (Xin Ning's 5 year old sister) who is present but doesn't want to be in the picture.

The children had lots of fun indeed and the parents enjoyed a lot too. We look forward to every gathering!

Finally visited Jia Jia & Kai Kai!

On the first day of 2015, we brought the kids to see Kieran's favourite Panda at River Safari. Mei mei was excited and called them "Da!" for Panda. Kieran was intrigued by all the animals at the River Safari and he was especially excited when we went for the river cruise (boring for us adults but not for kids coz it's Kieran's first boat ride, not counting the one we had in San Francisco because he was sleeping throughout). I smiled at the excitedly jumping up and down, giggling and smiling little Kieran as he went to board the boat with us.

Pictures below!

Cute Kai Kai!

The Red Pandas

Caitlin saying "I want!"

Panda Bao (Cost $3!)

On the River Cruise

Happy Kieran on River Cruise

Little explorer using his binoculars to see the far away animals (yes, they are ahem really very far away. One reason why the boat ride is damn lame)

Piranhas with it's beautiful shining scales

I do like Zoo trips for the fun and education they provide but we really need to rethink whether it is necessary to enclose animals for our viewing pleasure. I am alright if the animal is bred in the Zoo but if the animal has been captured and taken rudely from it's lovely native home in the wild, it doesn't seem so good, especially if the Zoo enclosure is so small. I noticed that the Red Pandas are prancing around. I don't know if this is a typical red panda behaviour or whether it is a behaviour caused by extreme boredom due to lack of space and freedom. Some of the marine animals have small enclosures, and those Giant Arowanas and Sting Rays, although they have large tanks to swim in, it must be boring and small compared to the ocean they once roam (assuming they are from the wild). After reading this article "9 Reasons Why Fish Are Really Sad ‘Pets’", it makes me think twice about keeping fish in enclosures. After all, they are sensitive and social creatures too.

For parents who want to bring the children to see the Pandas, do remember to bring jackets for them and yourselves because the Panda enclosure is freeeeeezing! Oh, and remind them to be very quiet when they are inside because Jia Jia and Kai Kai will hide and not come out to play when they are frightened by loud noises.