Monday, January 5, 2015

Finally visited Jia Jia & Kai Kai!

On the first day of 2015, we brought the kids to see Kieran's favourite Panda at River Safari. Mei mei was excited and called them "Da!" for Panda. Kieran was intrigued by all the animals at the River Safari and he was especially excited when we went for the river cruise (boring for us adults but not for kids coz it's Kieran's first boat ride, not counting the one we had in San Francisco because he was sleeping throughout). I smiled at the excitedly jumping up and down, giggling and smiling little Kieran as he went to board the boat with us.

Pictures below!

Cute Kai Kai!

The Red Pandas

Caitlin saying "I want!"

Panda Bao (Cost $3!)

On the River Cruise

Happy Kieran on River Cruise

Little explorer using his binoculars to see the far away animals (yes, they are ahem really very far away. One reason why the boat ride is damn lame)

Piranhas with it's beautiful shining scales

I do like Zoo trips for the fun and education they provide but we really need to rethink whether it is necessary to enclose animals for our viewing pleasure. I am alright if the animal is bred in the Zoo but if the animal has been captured and taken rudely from it's lovely native home in the wild, it doesn't seem so good, especially if the Zoo enclosure is so small. I noticed that the Red Pandas are prancing around. I don't know if this is a typical red panda behaviour or whether it is a behaviour caused by extreme boredom due to lack of space and freedom. Some of the marine animals have small enclosures, and those Giant Arowanas and Sting Rays, although they have large tanks to swim in, it must be boring and small compared to the ocean they once roam (assuming they are from the wild). After reading this article "9 Reasons Why Fish Are Really Sad ‘Pets’", it makes me think twice about keeping fish in enclosures. After all, they are sensitive and social creatures too.

For parents who want to bring the children to see the Pandas, do remember to bring jackets for them and yourselves because the Panda enclosure is freeeeeezing! Oh, and remind them to be very quiet when they are inside because Jia Jia and Kai Kai will hide and not come out to play when they are frightened by loud noises.

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