These days, I'm finalizing the things to bring to hospital. I've written this list sometime ago and now, its time to put it into action and pack those stuff into my bag.
Nursing bras 3
Disposable breast pads 1 box
breast pump (may need to stimulate milk production) 1
disposable maternity panties 6
pajamas suitable for breastfeeding (open button) 4
going home wear 1
sweater 1
socks 2 pairs
sanitary pads (Pureen Madame maternity pads) 1 pack
slippers 1 pair
comb 1
hairband 1
Anti rashes body wash (I have rashes and this is recommended by the doctor. Bringing it just in case I got rashes outbreak again. *Touchwood!*)
Shampoo (small bottle. Yes, I am not going to observe total confinement rules. I am going to wash my hair.)
Baby swaddle
1 set of baby clothes, mittens and booties
2 more sets of mittens and booties in case baby needs to stay in hospital for jaundice treatment
digital camera
documents for Medisave claim, birth cert registration and baby bonus application (to put in one folder and hubby to take note)
Gynae's letter
Hospital admission form
NRIC of husband and wife
Receipts of outpatient visits to gynae (to claim Medisave)
Original marriage certificate to register baby's name
Bankbook for baby bonus
$18 charged by ICA
$14 charged by hospital admin fee
For baby bonus, I think we will choose OCBC.
As for stem cells storage, I'm already in my 36th week of pregnancy but we really haven't decide whether to go for stem cells storage. I think I'll give the stem cord sales person a call and do the necessary stuff.
I'm so looking forward to baby's arrival! I've bought a Pearhead baby prints set from Mums and Babes which I can print baby's footprint and handprint on birth announcement cards. I also cut colored papers to fit the size of white square frames that I bought from IKEA some time ago so that I can print baby's hand and foot print and frame them up. I bought a scrapbook folder but no paper and designs yet coz I really don't want to spend money on those scrapbook items yet. So costly! Also got ready a log book to record baby's feeding time, pooing time and sleeping time.
Thinking about my newborn makes me so happy. I wish to see him in person real soon. He's an active little babe, tossing and turning and kicking me so frequently and sometimes so hard! I wish he look like his daddy coz my hubby has sharp features. Sharp nose, big eyes, curled eyelashes, dark skin and tall height is perfect for a boy.
I'm excited about his arrival and yet I am extremely afraid of the labour, especially now when I'm nearing the EDD. 36 weeks now... only 4 more weeks to go. Oh gosh... I'm feeling nervous just thinking about it... It doesn't help that one friend told me she had to deliver her son early (35weeks +) because she suddenly feel very frequent contractions and she had some spotting, and another friend when through long hours of labour, only to be told later that she must undergo Cesarean because baby's head cannot pass through her pelvis. And of course the pain of epidural injection, pain of labour contractions, afterpains, and episiotomy wound pain all make me worry and frightened. Oh gosh... there's so much to go through just to give birth. I've carried this baby inside me for nearly 9 months, and had to be so careful and make some sacrifices to ensure he is safe and well. I definitely hope the last lap will be a safe and smooth one.