Baby is 25 weeks today. 6 months old.
Dr Ho say he is about 683g. I wonder how they calculate with just the ultrasound scan machine alone.
So far I only gain 2kg for the entire 6 months. But lucky baby's weight is normal. That means I've slimmed down a lot.
Today, I don't feel very good at all. Yesterday morning, I'm able to wake up early, prepare breakfast for hubby and walk long distance for my tao huay and da bao vegetarian bee hoon for lunch.
But today, I could only lie on bed and feel really groggy. Couldn't prepare breakfast. Lucky we bought swissroll and it doesn't need much preparation.
I was really stressed up today, feeling bouts of frustration ever since morning, but for no good reason. Perhaps because of the hot weather, perhaps because I called up to book the breastfeeding lesson and learned that I've missed the previous 2 lessons last week. Anyway, I wasn't free last week. Then I have to reschedule meeting up with friends, and reschedule meeting with contractor for my new home just to attend the breastfeeding lesson.
I booked the lesson through this Breastfeeding mothers' support group website but after calling and emailing them, they have yet to give me a confirmation yet. Haiz.
I also found that the yoga lesson at Motherandchild has no vacancy this Fri so I scheduled one on next Fri. There is only 1 vacancy but I'm going with a friend so they changed it to the following Fri but they'll call me up if there's enough vacancy for me and my friend on next Fri.
I also booked my post-natal Malay massage lady. $70 per session for 7 days... She's recommended as reliable and nice in mummysg forum so hopefully she's good. I'm still considering whether to engage her for pre-natal massage for $75 per session too. Maybe later on.
Time is a precious scarcity and everyday, there are so much things to do and so little time.
I really would like to enjoy swimming and to go shopping for my mummy and baby essentials. I have a list to buy... Friend gave me a list of must-buy or must-prepare stuff to pack into bags before baby's arrival.
It seems that time flies and I'm already left with 4 months to Baby's arrival!
Its now time for me to bath and get something to eat, and go to parents' place. I always believe happiness is a choice and we are in charge of our own happiness, and now that perhaps hormonal changes or whatever it is is making me feel frustrated, I have to do something to cheer myself up :)
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