Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Left handed?

Kieran has been showing preference for left hands. Here's a picture of him tracing straight lines. I've got him a few books from Popular Bookstore that he can practise tracing, reading etc.

I'm amazed by this boy's intellectual development. At just 3 years old, he can recite several Tang poems (唐诗), recites 满江红 and first few verses of 弟子规, talks and reasons like an adult, understands Mandarin mostly but also understands and speaks some English, recognise several Chinese words like (人,外,小,一,多), and can already trace lines well enough. I'm not starting on the writing because I don't want him to learn how to read and write so quickly but I think if I do, he'll be able to write well already.

And my mom came to teach me how to make tasty soft bread today!

Before baking

After baking.

Easy to guess which shape is for Kieran and which is for Caitlin! Car shape bread for Kieran and bear shape one for Caitlin :)

The children shaped the dough and played with the flour. Delicious and healthy wholemeal bread for the family!

Kieran is obsessed with Transformers and any vehicles that can transform into robots lately. He's a fan of Robocar Poli and Tobot! Here's daddy teaching Kieran how to transform an Autobot Hound, and Mei mei Caitlin is watching closely beside them. A family bonding time before bed.

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