3rd trimester.
The tiredness really sets in.
I'm glad my mom comes to help so that I can occasionally hide away in my room while Kieran is with her outside. Glad my dad and my mother in law comes to help too. I can't imagine being away from Kieran for long period of time.
The haze is terrible. Even now when the PSI level is lower and not as choking as few days ago, I still feel that the air quality is not good. I'm not letting Kieran go outdoors often and I myself wear N95 or a surgical mask if its not that bad, whenever I need to send Kieran to school or bring him back, or bring him to nearby shopping malls.
Kieran is getting really smart!
2 days ago, he shocked us by reciting the Di Zi Gui (弟子規)and he's only 20 months old!
I'll try to upload his super cute video soon. He could recite the first few verses:
弟子规 圣人训 首孝弟 次谨信
泛爱众 而亲仁 有余力 则学文
He can also recite the nursery rhyme:
三轮车 跑得快 上面坐个老太太
要五毛 给一块 你说奇怪不奇怪?
Hubby and I were laughing and feeling so happy when he recited all these. Kieran learns things very fast. We just casually taught him these and he picked them up so soon.
He also loves to sing and sings along whenever I sing him nursery rhyme songs. He will occasionally sings out wheel on the bus, twinkle twinkle little star and 一闪一闪亮晶晶. Its so interesting to hear him sing. Children really have super brains. Absorbs so fast! All the more I must be a good example and not teach him bad things. Or let him see me say or do bad things. There was once he kept saying 吃大便 (eat shit in mandarin) and hubby was very angry, and firmly told him no! and hit his palm. He said that the next day again and was scolded again. Not sure who taught him that as we didn't say it. Maybe papa accidentally said it and he picked it up. Parents are role models for our children and we've got to be careful of our thoughts and behaviours at all times. If I find my child is naughty, the first thing to do is to reflect upon myself (检视自己) as there must be things I have said or done, consciously or subconsciously that affects my beloved child. Understand oneself, understand the child, only then can one be a good parent. Parenthood is such a challenging and yet wonderful journey that I love!
Hi suqi just saw your comment in my blog...
ReplyDeletekieran is definitely a fast learner! my gal who is turning 18 mths soon still can't speak, just ah-eh -oh pointing things ..urgh.
Kids learn and develop at their own pace. Very soon, she'll be talking so much, you'll wish she'll be quieter. haha!