Saturday, February 16, 2013

Parenting toddler

Kieran has started to show his character and temper.

He's a very active child who's interested to learn every single thing he sees or hears. You only need to say it once and he gets it into his brain, and even very long after, he'll repeat it back to you. His inference skills are great too. He's also bilingual in Chinese and English, and he could show me he knows "open" and "kai" means the same thing. Although he is active, his attention span is good. He could concentrate on learning for a long time and has a great thirst to learn everything around him. It's quite easy to teach him things like names of objects, description of objects, and explain to him concepts which sounds rather difficult for a toddler. It may seem complicated but it seems that he understood the concepts. He would say or show in simple ways that he understood what we are trying to tell him.

But he can be really aggressive. He shows his anger by scratching your face or biting you. He said he wants milk milk but my mother told him "No no." and immediately, his face shows a determined look, and he reached out to scratch her face. Few days ago, I also refused to give him something he wants and he quickly held my arm and bite it. If he couldn't reach me and I refused to give him what he wants, he'll lie flat, face down on the floor and beat the floor with his hands, kick his legs and cry angrily. This is what we call throwing tantrums isn't it?! How do we guide him to release his anger and frustration in a constructive manner? How do we encourage good habits in him?

Its amazing how his character and habit resemble my husband's when he was young. My hubby told me he used to throw tantrums this way - in shopping malls. He also is pretty smart in that he knew his mother's weakness and used it against her. In this case, she was afraid of embarrassment and would give in to him if he throw tantrums in public. For my Kieran, he knew I was soft-hearted, so if said no to milk milk, he would change a softer strategy and said "walk walk" and held my hand to ask me to walk with him to the bedroom, where he would pull me to the bed, lie down, give me a cute hopefully and happy look and request for milk milk, please! Sigh... And the worse is, when I tried to put him to bed, he would suddenly say "poo poo" and wants me to bring him to his potty. He knew after several trials that if we are putting him to sleep, the lights are off and there's no chance for him to play, but if he says he wants to poo, we will immediately bring him to the potty and switch on the lights and he could look around and then play in the play room (which is where the potty is) after that. I found out the poo poos are fake because once he got to his playroom, he would roam around excitedly and forgot he wants to poo, and when we keep introducing the potty to him, he'll say "no no." and went on to play his favourite toys. These smart people knows how to manipulate the situation to their advantages! In terms of diet too, Kieran loves good food, and he likes green stems of vegetables, like my hubby did when he was a kid. Kieran would insist on having the stems and spit out if we attempt to feed him the leaves. But I'm glad at least he accepts vegetables. He's a super fussy eater.

Parenting... parenting... It is really not easy, and with a second one inside me, making tired and nauseous at times, it's even more difficult.

Last night at 3am, I felt a tiny but obvious little jab at my palm when I placed it on my tummy. I thought it must be Caitlin! But I can't be sure because after all, she's only 3 months (13 weeks) now. Could I start feeling her movements so early? I tried to feel it again and press down on my tummy but no more. I hope to feel her again soon :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Today is my birthday.

Yesterday I had seen the gynae. I asked him about whether breastfeeding Kieran will affect my unborn fetus negatively. The answer is no, I'm free to continue breastfeeding. He did hint to me that many mothers find it difficult to tandem breastfeed both babies and may give up breastfeeding the second one.

I asked him if I could reduce the frequency of the iron pills as the iron is affecting Kieran as well, making his stools blackish, soft and difficult to pass out. He said it's better to continue and he asked if I would sacrifice benefits for the second child to give the best for the first. Oh well, I'm pretty tempted to say yes... (sorry, baby in my tummy) because the soft poo makes life a bit miserable for all of us. I still won't take the pills often though. I hated iron pills and even though the doctor wanted me to take it during breastfeeding, I never took it.

I asked for medication for my runny nose and the medicine gave me dizziness 2 hours after popping it. I didn't go to my parents place for dinner because of that so I'm definitely skipping this pill during the Chinese New Year celebrations. Otherwise, I will be sleeping throughout or be super dazed wherever I go.

Today, baby number two is approximately 12 weeks old. I must admit that until this point of time, I'm still a little bit reluctant to accept it's existence. Anyway anything can happen during the first trimester right? Many people miscarry. Maybe I'll miscarry too? With the major illness when baby was little, and the huge weight lost (I'm 40kg now by the way, the lightest I've ever been since I'm an adult), the reduction in morning sickness, the walking, the housework, strenous activity and having to carry my 9kg son around, my chances will be increased? But no. And here I am, entering into the second trimester. Baby is safe and sound. The second time I saw baby on the scan, I didn't feel much compared to the first. Just wanted to know if it's well and safe.

Let's give second baby a name so that I don't have to call it second baby all the time. Let's call it Caitlin as I'd love to have a girl and I'll name her this when she's born.

Today is the eve of Chinese New Year when we will be going to my parents and my in law's house for reunion dinners. I don't have a very visible baby bump yet, which is surprising since its my second pregnancy and I expect it to be bigger earlier, but it's good it hasn't shown as I could wear the nice new clothes I've bought for the new year. Hubby insisted on buying a cake to celebrate my birthday even though I said I didn't want it. He will be collecting it from a far away place tomorrow morning, as it's a my favourite cake shop. Sigh I really hate to celebrate my birthday this year. It's a pretty bad start of a year for me and I do predict more hardships ahead. It's depressing to think about this year.

What do I hope for this year?
That my Caitlin will really turn out to be a girl. We'll know in about 2 months down the road. April, I guess?
That Caitlin will have eyes, nose, ears and mouth like papa, basically, just look like her papa.
That I will have a fast and smooth delivery. (no caesarean, please!)
That tandem breastfeedding both babes will go on well.
That my parents can be able to look after both my children when Caitlin is born.
That I can find a good job with nearby workplace, reasonably nice colleagues and reasonably good pay. I don't ask for much. Just enough for my family to survive. In Singapore where wages are artificially depressed by our government who is excessively importing foreign cheap labours, what more can we locals expect?
That hubby's company increases his pay.

Basically this year is a surviving year. If we can survive, I am more than happy. There's really nothing much that I can ask for. No dreams, no ambitions, no hopes. Merely to survive.

Hubby applied for a post overseas but I doubt he will get it and if he does, it won't be a good time for me to go either, with the growing tummy, demanding Kieran and all those tiredness. Long flights and adapting to massive life changes isn't good for pregnant ladies too. Although it really would be good if we could get the chance to experience life overseas and give our children a chance to choose if they will prefer city life or the greener and cleaner air in a suburbs. But like I say, this year is no year for dreams. Even if we decide to leave, we still must focus on the practical solutions.

Gosh the flu med didn't help much and I'm still blowing my nose like crazy. Going to eat something to ease the hunger and then head back to bed. I heard Kieran stirring in his sleep. He may want this milk milk soon.

P/S: Kieran is starting to walk and he made his first unassisted baby steps on 7 Feb 2013 (Thursday) at my parents' place in full witness of his maternal grandparents, his mummy and papa.