Friday, November 11, 2011

Moving out finally!

We are moving to our new flat at Punggol tomorrow. A month long's confinement has ended. And this will be the last time I'm doing confinement, man. Last time. I'm absolutely certain about that.

I'm a free spirited person and to have people telling you can't do this, you can't do that based on the beliefs of some ancestors is a torture. I wonder why I agree to do it in the first place, really. I told hubby when I die, I'm going to search for those ancestors who came up with the confinement rules and give them a piece of my mind.

I also can't stand not showering. Irritated me to the max.

I also hate the lack of privacy when staying here at parents in laws' place. Can't wait to move to my new home. There's no place like home really when I can be free from unsolicited comments, advices and restrictions. But I really am not sure whether I can handle baby well alone. I mean baby has been waking me up for feeds 3 times at night recently. He also need diaper change at least once at night. He is also very demanding in that he'll ask for attention and refused to sleep. In the morning, I am so beaten that I'll enlist mother in law's help and take well deserved naps. I only managed to be more awake in the afternoons. I wonder how I can cope when such help isn't available. But at times, I really wish for more private moments with darling baby so that whenever he wants, I can just take off my shirt and breastfeed in the living room, at the sofa, on the beanbag, anywhere... and I can hold baby while I nap like what i did previously on the beanbag... and I can do anything my way and go anywhere I like without anyone interfering.

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